Everyone should learn to code with AI. Here is how!

Learn Coding with AI and Google Colab

Why should I use Google Colab?

  • Google Colab is Free
  • Easy to get started
  • Allows access to GPUs/TPUs
  • Easy to share code with others
  • Easy graphical visualizations in Notebooks

Let's go over each of the pros of Google Colab...

Getting Started with Google Colab

To begin, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to your Google Drive account.
  2. In the top left corner, select "New", then "More" in the drop-down panel, and then "Google Collaboratory".
  3. For a comprehensive guide, refer to this helpful link.

Sample Project: Creating a Rubric with Weighted Outcomes

Copy and paste the following Python code into your Colab Notebook:

def calculate_score():
    categories = {
        "Plot": 0.3,
        "Characterization": 0.2,
        "Setting": 0.2,
        "Writing Style": 0.3
total_score = 0
max_score = 0

print("Please rate yourself between 1 and 4 for each category:")

for category, weight in categories.items():
    score = int(input(f"{category} (1-4): "))
    total_score += score * weight
    max_score += 4 * weight

percentage_score = (total_score / max_score) * 100

print(f"\nTotal score: {total_score:.2f}")
print(f"Percentage score: {percentage_score:.2f}%")

Click the little play button in the top left of the code window to run your code. Feel free to customize the categories and weights according to your needs. This code allows you to calculate a total score and percentage score based on the ratings you provide for each category.

Sample Project Ideas

Here are some other project ideas to inspire you:

  • Create a sentiment analysis model to analyze text feedback.
  • Build a recommendation system for movies, books, or music based on user preferences.
  • Develop a chatbot that can answer frequently asked questions.
  • Train a neural network to recognize handwritten digits.
  • Implement a machine learning algorithm for spam email classification.

Remember, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the learning process, stay curious, and enjoy exploring the world of coding with AI!

For more guidance and code samples, check out the link to the chat where this code was generated.

My Coding Journey

Probably the biggest impact that AI has had on my practice is its ability to help me write code. Personally I learned Python, HTML, and CSS. Using a local IDE (Integrated Development Environment, I use Pycharm) I was able to write code to automate several tasks. I have code that sorts attendance data, automatically fills in web forms, generates student ID templates, sends emails... etc. I strongly encourage you to get started in coding harnessing the power of AI. Once you get rolling the possibilities are limitless.


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